UAT → Behat

From User Acceptance Testing to Automated Testing

Presented by Stephen Cross

Stephen Cross


New England Drupal Camp

Novemember 16 -17, Providence RI

Modern Workflows

Local Dev - Front Build - CI - Deployment - Testing

Eating Healthy

Daily Journaling

Church - Weekly Attendance

Automated Testing

Set Attendance Goals, Not Performance Goals.

FATDAG (aka Mike Daggett)

Effective automated testing begins with
effective User Acceptance Testing.

What is UAT?

Keep it simple

focus on attendance

Inside ATF

Newsletter for current and past agents.


  • Private Documenet (Media)
  • Categorize Inside ATF
  • Newsletter Listing Page
  • Protected Pages module
  • Hook viewing media to verify access

UAT for Inside ATF

Content Administrator

  • Upload PDF
  • Mark it Private
  • Set category a Inside ATF
  • Publish


Add a new document and secure it

() Login as content administrator
() Goto admin/content/file
() Upload PDF file and choose Next
() Select Private and choose Next
() Enter "Apple" for title
() Choose Organization "Inside ATF"
() Enter "This is an apple" for the description
() Choose "Save"

UAT for Inside ATF

General Public

  • Can access URL to Inside ATF Page?
  • Can access the uploaded document


Verify Inside ATF Document is NOT accessible

() Open an incognito window
() Goto resource-center/inside-atf
() Verify password required
() Goto inside-atf/docs/undefined/insideatf-december2017pdf
() Verify page is NOT visibile
() Goto inside-atf/docs/undefined/insideatf-december2017pdf/download
() Verify document does NOT download


UAT for Inside ATF

Former Agent

  • Goto Inside ATF Page
  • Login with password
  • Can view Newletter Listing?
  • Can download uploaded document?


Verify document secured

() Open an incognito window
() Goto resource-center/inside-atf
() Verify password required
() Goto inside-atf/docs/undefined/apple
() Verify access is denied
() Goto resource-center/inside-atf
() Login with password XXXXXXX
() Goto inside-atf/docs/undefined/apple
() Verify the file is accessible

Who tests?

Benefits of UAT

Beyond quality

  • Focus on end product early in development
  • Ownership
  • Cross training
  • Documentation
  • Stronger team

Testing Culture

Documenting the process

  • Keep it simple
  • Use system and prcoesses you have
  • Part of Jira ticket


A php framework for autotesting your
business expectations

A php framework for autotesting your
User Acceptance Testing



					Given I am an anonymous user
					Given I am not logged in
					Given I am logged in as a user with the :role role(s)
					Given I am logged in as a/an :role
					Given I am logged in as a user with the :role role(s) and I have the following fields:
					Given I am logged in as :name
					Given I am logged in as a user with the :permissions permission(s)
					Then I should see (the text ):text in the :rowText row
					Then I should not see (the text ):text in the :rowText row
					Given I click :link in the :rowText row
					Then I (should )see the :link in the :rowText row
					Given the cache has been cleared
					Given I run cron
					Given I am viewing a/an :type (content )with the title :title
					Given a/an :type (content )with the title :title
					Given I am viewing my :type (content )with the title :title

Inside ATF Behat

Parts to Automate

  • Critical
  • Repetitive

Automation cannot replace domain knowledge, perspective and intuition.

Getting Started Behat Tips

  • Tutorial at, build your commands.
  • Drupal Behat Extension - runs outside of Drupal
  • Local Build - Test API
  • Think through one-time and all the time scripts.

Thank you.
